
Security Token Service (STS) forms the backbone low-level interface for all federation. AWS Single Sign-On enables the ability to centrally manage access to AWS accounts and business applications. Identity Center replaces all of the corporate ID cases - login across accounts in organization, business apps, SAML2 apps, and even EC2 Windows instances. SAML 2.0 federation enables lots of other cases but isn’t preferred while a custom ID broker is less in favor and should only be used when SAML 2.0 federation isn’t available.

The common steps to federation at runtime are:

  1. Authenticate with Identity Provider (IdP) - IdP returns a pre-signed URL
  2. Obtain Temporary Security Credentials - Done by calling STS, although this could be deeper down in the service stack so you aren’t calling it directly. STS, or the interface, returns session credentials, AKID, Secret Access Key, Session Token, Expiration, OR all that in a pre-signed URL.
  3. Access the AWS resource by passing in the STS provided credentials - now, based the users’ role, you have access to AWS Resources using the session credentials issued by STS. When this occurs

Corporate Identity Federation

IAM Identity Center (SSO)

Successor to AWS SSO and has built in identity store or can use AD, OneLogin, Okta. Straightforward approach: Permission sets define access into account; assign permission sets to groups. There’s a portal generated that enables access to all the resources.

Identity Center enables multi-account permissions, applications (basically using SAML 2.0) and Attribute-Based Access Control (ABAC) which is the use of attributes in the Identity Store for access control.

SAML 2.0 Federation

Use Case: Access to console, CLI, API using temp credentials from AD or other SAML 2.0 IdP

Background: AD, and it’s hosted cousin AWS Directory Service, LDAP and SAML can be integrated into IAM; generally you map groups in the ID provider to IAM roles

Flow: Auth with trusted IdP (could also be Active Directory Federation Service - ADFS) which returns SAML token and then:

  1. the user can sign on to the console using the token and the AWS sign-in endpoint for SAML at signin.aws.amazon.com/saml where the endpoint calls AssumeRoleWithSAML
  2. the app can call the STS service and call AssumeRoleWithSAML and use the returned credentials to access the resource

Pro: No dedicated proxy on the corporate side and the proxy requires no IAM user or permissions

  • API call: AssumeRoleWithSAML

Custom Identity Broker

Use case: IdP isn’t SAML 2.0 compatible

Flow: The custom identity broker requests credentials, and then calls STS using sts:GetFederationToken then determines the proper IAM role and does a sts:AssumeRole to get credentials. From here the user can be use credentials to access API/CLI or be redirected to the console.

  • API call: sts:GetFederationToken & sts:AssumeRole

Web Identity Federation

Using the Social Identity Provider, which is an IAM object that holds configuration info about the external provider, this feature enables users to use a well-known authentication provider then use that ID to assume an IAM role.

WIF with Cognito

Cognito pools enable multiple providers IDs to be stored and treated uniformly. Generally two roles are associated with the pool: one for authenticated users and one for anonymous users. Supports MFA and data sync.

Flow: After auth with IdP, call Cognito to trade for ID token, call STS to trade Cognito token for STS token

  • API call: Handled in a Cognito & language specific way

WIF without Cognito

AWS recommends using Cognito instead. Without using Cognito, the user auths with a web IdP; using the auth’d ID then calls the AssumeRoleWithWebIdentity; STS validates the auth evaluates the Role/Trust policy then returns the AWS credentials.

  • API call: AssumeRoleWithWebIdentity


AWS Security Token Service (STS) is a web service that enables you to request temporary, limited-privilege credentials for AWS Identity and Access Management (IAM) users or for federated users. A Trust Policy controls who can assume the role. Federation is creating a trust relationship between an identity store like Amazon, Facebook, Google (also called an IdP), Active Directory, IAM, any SAML 2.0 system and AWS. Users are authenticated with the Federated identity store FIRST before they hit AWS.

  • API call: sts:AssumeRole*


  • AuthZ mobile/web using social - Cognito Identity Pools
  • AuthN mobile/web using social - Cognito User Pools (mobile focused)

Identity Triage

  • SaaS or AuthZ mobile/web using social - Cognito Identity Pools
  • AuthN mobile/web using social - Cognito User Pools (mobile focused)
  • AuthN/Z (AWS resources using directory) - AWS SSO
  • AuthN/Z AWS resources from another account? - IAM role or resource policy
  • Sharing of AWS resources, EC2 join AD domain? AD connector
  • AD aware apps, WorkSpaces, QuickSight? Managed AD